Tuning to the Planets and Other Vibrations
Be in Tune with the Cosmos

Since childhood I have noticed that I like certain note frequencies, mine in particular has been a 'D', I even thought it was part of my name this 'D' note. I have created a color chart Music & Wellness with the Circle of 5ths and the linear notes like scales in music and chords are represented in a spiral fashion. I have developed a way to test and do readings for individuals interested in knowing their personal frequency, or I call it your "Root Note". It is about knowing the best music to 'feed ' your physical self for health support and being in charge of creating a positive shift to enjoy more optimal health, enlightenment and happiness. It is about many other steps to take for a positive gain in your health picture.
In case you haven't thought about it or noticed yet, YES, these fluctuations of the Schumann Resonance are monitored, graphed and notated. And yes, many people can compare their journals and hindsight to explain various health problems that seem to coincide with the jarring effects and spikes of the earth's resonance as well as Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun. Many people who get tested by doctors for their maladaptations will not get a diagnosis or explanation of their illness. More and more people though, realize their physical body CAN vibrate harmoniously with the planetary frequency, including our sphere the earth. We can learn to make adjustments in our body to transform our total energy by keeping in synch with our roots, just like a tree does in the wind or getting swamped by water. Knowing your Root Note will help you make continual adaptations with other changing frequencies from inside the body (illness, disease, old patterns or beliefs) and from without (psychic energy slams from others, solar flares and wind, earth emissions including dirty electricity and 5G). More HERE about a personal Root Note Reading.
I like to tune my instrument (and my band) to the Universe in the Pythagorean way. In our performance group SYNKOFA we not only use perfect 5ths, perfect 4ths, but we also carefully make our tuning to A=432 Hz instead of the "miss the mark in arithmetic 440 Hz". The old 440 "standard" doesn't even feel right anymore, like an imperfection that doesn't fit if not tuning carefully to 432 Hz. It is like "not telling the truth", which my being likes to tell the truth, with intention of words or music.
It is important to convert your listening library of music to 432 Hz so you can get the health benefits of the vibrations.
I posted on our music FaceBook page this chart about the Harmonic series with 432 Hz and the number 9 - and you will see how the math works out PERFECTLY every time. Source for the chart: https://www.facebook.com/sourcevibrations/photos/a.497353343537.272020.91428338537/10153786591188538/?type=1&theater
When people sing spontaneously they will sing in 432 Hz, but others will say, "You are singing a little flat." I say, "Compared to what?"
The world around us has been tuned to the arbitrarily decided "standard" of 440 which has thrown off EVERYONE who listens to recorded music whether it is on television, radio or your phone, iPod, iPad or other devices. I believe to get on track with your health and wealth you have to get into the proper tuning. So I perform my music (and ask others to help the cause) so we can all 'sing with our hearts in tune with the earth and the planets'.
Music from Eden, and other important earth places that I connect with the Cosmos
My journey with music as a violinist/fiddler includes a recorded violin/fiddle part on two original pieces that were created especially for use at the Visitors' Centers both the North Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona, and the Zion Canyon Visitors Bureau in Springdale, Utah. The giant 3-D Movie Theater in Springdale at Zion Canyon had a long, daily run of over 20 years. I consider both examples a 'broadcast' of my music performance that was continually repeating in southern Utah (and in Arizona, it was 3-4 times per day). And as a side note both projects were tracks engineered in the recording studio by my late husband James Franklin Anglesey, before we were married. In retrospect it was a kind of passive contribution that went out to the world, and then into the cosmos. In our band's live performances, the sounds flow out, but where do they end up, where do they go?
Although these 2 recordings were set in place during the past 30+ years since 1987-89, it took a while for the clarity of what I had done in these projects to seep into my psyche. Especially after making changes to using the new tuning with all live performance projects consistently ever since about 2011 and powerful, positive, heartfelt feedback from audiences. My first epiphany of this 'broadcasting' that was going on was in 2014 when I realized I could continually choose to make a difference.
I had the chance to visit one of our country's most remote areas in the summer of 2014, a river raft trip that ran through Colorado and Utah, for ten days along the Green River. I had the chance to play with a string quartet (our live tuning was in 432 Hz) in the Desolation Canyon in eastern Utah during this trip. It was not only the best wilderness adventure vacation ever, but I felt responsible and honored to 'broadcast' my healing music along the way at the outdoor, scenic, natural rock amphitheater performances we created.
On this trek, I had packed some of my personal music arrangements, but the randomly put-together players for this trip were not familiar nor did they use this tuning like I had. So I was constantly telling the classical string quartet players about the importance of correct tuning in 432 Hz for the tuning note “A” that my band used in performances. It became apparent that I was nearing the exact place where my music arrangements were to be played. On that river rafting adventure, close to when it was my turn to bring out, prepare and perform my music, I was suddenly hounded by a bunch of crows (or maybe they were ravens). They were dive bombing our raft and were repeatedly 'shouting' their concern, following along the river almost embarrassingly so. I was actually trying to answer and talk to them, to calm them down. Spiritually, I could feel the time becoming ripe, and the loud speaking birds would not let me miss it.
We landed on shore to visit the Fremont Native American petroglyphs and the area where indigenous people were known to have lived in this remote, impressive, red rock canyons and ancient habitat areas. It truly lived up to its namesake, a desolate place. I could strongly feel the calling of past kindred spirits pleading for me to do my part, as if they had waited thousands of years for this event. It was as if the very canyon walls and the surrounding grounds had waited for this live broadcast of my work, and longed for me to play my healing intentions through my music at that very spot, which I did achieve. It felt as though I was following a script in a movie, each directed point was clear, understood, almost well rehearsed for the important delivery that day. It was an extraordinary experience for me to feel of the joy, the cheering that maybe only I was privy to, and the enormous love I received from this particular music transmission. Because finally, the tuning of A= 432 Hz was made for this one performance on the river trip, perhaps it made the connection to my heart so very strong. My Native American heart and blood and soul developed a testimony of the importance of my work that day.
I hope to continue in this fashion, to commune with other musicians and ask them to participate in this simple request: to use the sacred geometry and adjust their tuning of A to 432 Hz, tune to and "sing" with the cosmos. I think it makes a huge difference to be able to transmit ALL of our special notes, to all who would listen. I love broadcasting from the earth, to the atmosphere above, and believe it makes a difference, spiritually for the earth, the animals, the people, for our communications, and to enable all to have an extraordinary musical healing experience.
Explanation page for The Root Note Reading (below) and more about Notes, Colors, Chakras, Color Glasses
Root Note Reading - Know your Main Note, Core Frequency or Hertz
Every person should know their "Root Note".
Energy testing of your core body vibration will allow you to know your other supportive notes like it is used in music and colors. Knowing your Root Note and at least two secondary foundation notes will help you gain better health through better music listening and color choices.
Testing is done through linear melodic and harmonic or chord tones of music. Seeing the colors of these tones and your Root Note on the color wheel can help to make other reinforcing health choices in clothing, chakra support and even room décor decisions. You may want to know the best supportive notes when investing in singing bowls or playing flutes for yourself, others and more.
The personalized, laminated, colorful chart depicts the Spiral or Circle of 5ths and has an inner wheel to dial in the Root and variations, and comes with helpful use details.
This Reading can be done as a remote or distance reading (do not need to be in person), or a 30 min session in person. Text/Call 801-282-5277 for an appointment.